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Projeto Portugal 2020

HAC4CG- Heritage, Art, Creation for Climate change.Living the city: catalyzing spaces for learning, creation and action towards climate change

Ficha de projeto


HAC4CG- Heritage, Art, Creation for Climate change.Living the city: catalyzing spaces for learning, creation and action towards climate change .

Valor de financiamento

499,28 mil € .

Valor executado

473,64 mil € .

Código de operação

NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000067 .

Data de conclusão

28.09.2023 .


Climate change is a world problem that increasingly affects the daily lives of societies, generating socioeconomic instability and uncertainty in the future, to the point of being considered that we live in a new geological Era: the Anthropocene In a local scale focused in Porto this project aims to gather an interdisciplinary framework towards the EH Mission Adaptation to Climate change including societal transformations, through the approach of Cultural Heritage, Art creation (CITAR- CBQF) and Local Governance Institutions (CEGE), to enhance citizen engagement with this issue (CIIS and CEDH). The project will include 3 lines, one based in Heritage Protection working with topics as Monitorization, Vandalism, Rehabilitation and Tourism will try to highlight the importance of changing collective behaviors towards a healthier urban life. The second line, more connected with Art and Education will use artistic practices, Creative Industries resources and audiovisual creation to promote knowledge about Climate change with different publics, namely new learning media for primary and secondary students. The third line will be more concentrated in evaluating what is already being done in Portugal to face Climate Change within the international scenario and make the diagnosis of needs and regulation, and institutions and citizens’ empowerment with the main topics of line 1 and 2 .

Beneficiários do financiamento

Distribuição geográfica do financiamento

499,28 mil €

Valor de financiamento

Onde foi aplicado o dinheiro

Por concelho

1 concelho financiado .

  • Porto 499,28 mil € ,
Fonte AD&C, GPP