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Projeto Portugal 2020

SmartEGOV: Harnessing EGOV for Smart Governance (Foundations, Methods, Tools)

Ficha de projeto


SmartEGOV: Harnessing EGOV for Smart Governance (Foundations, Methods, Tools) .

Valor de financiamento

4 milhões € .

Valor executado

3,84 milhões € .

Código de operação

NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000037 .

Data de conclusão

30.03.2020 .


The SmartEGOV project aims at harnessing ICT and EGOV technologies and processes to promote effective, secure and integrated smart governance structures at all levels of Administration. In particular, it aims at congregating synergies between major players government, academia, private sector, civil society to build a research and innovation laboratory for designing and testing new smart (e) governance solutions, as well as an internationally renowned think-tank for inter-sectoral and multi-level public administration problems. This will be done in strong articulation with the newly established Operational Unit of the United Nations University on Policy-driven Electronic Governance (UNU-EGOV), hosted by the University of Minho and in the fulfilment of the bilateral agreements between the UNU and the Portuguese Republic signed on 23 May 2014. SmartEGOV boosts such an unique opportunity to consolidate in the North region a pole of excellence in EGOV research and innovation, building a

Beneficiários do financiamento

Distribuição geográfica do financiamento

4 milhões €

Valor de financiamento

Onde foi aplicado o dinheiro

Por concelho

1 concelho financiado .

  • Braga 4 milhões € ,
Fonte AD&C, GPP