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Projeto Portugal 2020

CORAL - Sustainable ocean exploitation: tools and sensors

Ficha de projeto


CORAL - Sustainable ocean exploitation: tools and sensors .

Valor de financiamento

1,95 milhões € .

Valor executado

1,84 milhões € .

Código de operação

NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000036 .

Data de conclusão

31.03.2019 .


The project devised in this proposal by CIIMAR and INESC TEC, CORAL - Sustainable Ocean Exploitation: Tools and Sensors, sets as central objective to address the sustainable exploitation of marine resources towards filling societal needs and to propose challenge-driven solutions in deep-sea environments. This implies the improvement of the knowledge of the natural processes governing ocean dynamics and ecosystem functions, as well as the major forces driving ecosystems changes, both on regional and global scales. This approach is also directly linked with our capacity to “measure” resources and the impact of their exploitation, and finally to exploit with minimal environmental impact. Our ability to interpret this conceptual “triad”, Ecosystem - Resources- Environment, is largely dependent with the capacity to develop new tools to in situ measure resources, to collect samples at distance for later analysis, to develop new standards for environmental assessment in new frontiers such as

Beneficiários do financiamento

Distribuição geográfica do financiamento

1,95 milhões €

Valor de financiamento

Onde foi aplicado o dinheiro

Por concelho

1 concelho financiado .

  • Porto 1,95 milhões € ,
Fonte AD&C, GPP