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Projeto Portugal 2020

Accelerating tissue engineering and personalized medicine discoveries by the integration of key enabling nanotechnologies, marine-derived biomaterials and stem cells

Ficha de projeto


Accelerating tissue engineering and personalized medicine discoveries by the integration of key enabling nanotechnologies, marine-derived biomaterials and stem cells .

Valor de financiamento

2,95 milhões € .

Valor executado

2,82 milhões € .

Código de operação

NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000021 .

Data de conclusão

29.10.2020 .


This structured Program works particularly in the interface Health-Sciences/Technologies and biomaterials, pursuing the goal of generating value at both regional and national level through the development of innovative products and services, resulting from internationally highly competitive research. This program will be organized under the framework of the activities of three research lines, well integrated among them: RL1esearch Line 1: “Marine-derived biomaterials and enabling nano-based production technologies for effective healthcare devices and therapies”; Research Line 2: “Tissue Engineering and Personalized Medicine approaches for the regeneration of human tissues”; Research Line 3: “Targeting ageing-associated diseases/disorders by exploring stem cells biology and biochemistry”.

Beneficiários do financiamento

Distribuição geográfica do financiamento

2,95 milhões €

Valor de financiamento

Onde foi aplicado o dinheiro

Por concelho

2 concelhos financiados .

  • Guimarães 2,36 milhões € ,
  • Braga 590,14 mil € ,
Fonte AD&C, GPP