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Beneficiaries and projects

Find all projects carried out under the Recovery and Resilience Plan as well as all beneficiaries covered.

Executing with rigor and transparency

The Recovery and Resilience Plan is a mechanism of great importance for Portugal's strategic vision in the short, medium, and long term. However, for this vision to become a reality, the application of all its funds must be guided by the utmost rigor and transparency, both in terms of related values and in the entities responsible for their implementation.

In this section of the portal, you can discover all this information. Here it is possible to find not only the values ​​assigned to each of the entities involved but also to understand their role in this execution, as well as the relationships between various public and private entities.


Fundamental and strategic investment actions to be implemented by the Recovery and Resilience Plan in a wide range of areas affecting citizens and entities.


All public or private entities responsible for managing, executing, and monitoring the financing allocated to each investment to be carried out.


Refer to the implementation of the various initiatives necessary to achieve a particular investment, which may include one or more projects depending on their objectives.

Various types of beneficiaries

The beneficiaries of the Recovery and Resilience Plan perform different functions. Direct beneficiaries are public entities whose role is to carry out investments outlined in the Plan. Intermediate beneficiaries are public entities responsible for selecting Final Beneficiaries, which are private or public entities that will execute the investments.

Private entities can also act as suppliers, providing services or selling goods to Direct or Final Beneficiaries for project implementation.

Intermediary beneficiaries

Public entities responsible for selecting Final Beneficiaries and monitoring the investments they coordinate.


Public or private entities responsible for carrying out the investments provided for in the Recovery and Resilience Plan.


Private entities responsible for selling products or services to Direct or Final Beneficiaries to carry out projects.

For more information, contact the “Independent Commission for the monitoring and inspection of Special Measures for Public Procurement”.

The mission of CIMEC is to monitor and oversee the procedures adopted under the legal regime for special public procurement measures, as well as the conclusion and execution of the relevant contracts.

It is responsible for making recommendations to organisations and drawing up assessment reports published online, ensuring transparency and fairness in these. This information can be found on the public procurement portal and on the CIMEC portal.

Visit the BASE Portal