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On Climate Action

Understand the impact of climate change and Portugal's strategy to combat this phenomenon.

Climate change

Climate change refers to significant changes in weather patterns. They include rising temperatures, changes in precipitation and the occurrence of extreme weather events, driven by an increase in greenhouse gases as a result of human activities.

Impact of climate change

Climate change causes droughts, floods, fires and rising sea levels. It threatens sectors such as water resources, agriculture, health and biodiversity, affecting communities and economies around the world. Climate action is urgent.

Adapting to climate change

Adjusting practices, policies and infrastructures to the impact of climate change is essential for the country's adaptation. Priorities include preventing fires, protecting coastal zones, promoting resilient agriculture and conserving biodiversity.

Climate change mitigation

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing carbon sequestration are Portugal's direct response to mitigating the greenhouse effect and consequent global warming. The transition to clean energy sources, greater energy efficiency, sustainable transportation, efficient agricultural practices and afforestation are key strategies for achieving this goal.

Plans and strategies

The challenge posed by climate change has led Portugal to develop a set of instruments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, strengthen carbon sequestration capacity and adapt the country to its impacts.

These instruments, which act in the areas of mitigation and adaptation, seek to incorporate the issue of climate change into the various sectoral policies, fostering the empowerment and accountability of the various sectors in meeting the targets set out in these instruments.

For more information contact “The Portuguese Environment Agency”.

The Portuguese Environment Agency (APA – Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente) is responsible for proposing and developing climate policy, designing and implementing strategies to mitigate and adapt to climate change, particularly to achieve the goals defined in national, community and international commitments.

Visit the APA website