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Declaration of accessibility and usability of the Mais Transparência portal.

The AMA Agência para a Modernização Administrativa undertakes to provide the website Mais Transparência , in accordance with Decree-Law No. 83/2018, of 19th of October, which transposes Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the accessibility of websites and mobile applications.

I. Compliance status

The website Mais Transparência da AMA Agência para a Modernização Administrativa is fully compliant to Decree-Law No. 83/2018 of October 19.

II. Preparation of this accessibility statement and usability

This statement was updated to 2023-04-12.

According to article 9 of Decree-Law no. 83/2018, entities must adopt the following monitoring procedures presented. Procedures A) and B) are mandatory. Procedure C) is recommended.

A. Automatic assessments carried out

  1. (2023-04-11). Report: report_validacao_automaticaTransparencia
    • Tool used: accessMonitor
    • Sample: 53 pages.
    • Main results (summary): A total of 53 pages obtained an average score of 10 on the accessMonitor scale (1-10 ), with no unacceptable situations to report to any of the compliance levels.
  2. (2023-04-14). Report: report_validacao_automaticaTransparenciaRV
    • Tool used: Rocket Validator
    • Sample: 53 pages.
    • Main results (summary): A total of 53 pages obtained a score of 100% in the HTML and accessibility validations, with no situations of error or warning to report.

B. Manual assessments carried out:

  1. (2023-04-11). Report: sintese-10aspetos
    • Sample: 53 pages.
    • Main results (satisfied heuristics/total applied heuristics): 19/19
  2. (2023-04-11). Report: sintese-conteudo
    • Sample: 53 pages.
    • Main results (satisfied heuristics/total applied heuristics): 17/17
  3. (2023-04-11). Report: sintese-transacao
    • Sample: 53 pages.
    • Main results (satisfied heuristics/total applied heuristics): 5/5

C. Usability testing with people with disability:

  1. (2021-04-27). Report: Usability tests report
    • Characterization of participants: Total of 8 participants, 6 participants belonged to the user profile of “Citizens” and the other 2 participants to the user profile of “Visual Citizens”.
    • Tasks/Processes: The methodology used in this usability testing study includes carrying out 23 tasks with participants from the “Citizens” profile and 4 tasks with participants from the “Visual Citizens” profile.
    • Main results (summary): Based on the study that resulted in 5 transversal recommendations and 14 specific recommendations for areas or pages, it is possible to identify the following topics as the main points to work on in the future: of your brand; Review the use of acronyms, terminologies, technical terms and non-common sense language that makes understanding the information and interacting with the different components of the portal extremely difficult; Simplify interactions and perception of information from more complex areas such as “Investment areas” and “Investment by regions”; Improve the efficiency and relevance of the results presented in the survey of beneficiaries and projects.
  2. (2022-04-06). Report: Usability tests report
    • Characterization of participants: In this study of usability tests involved a total of 10 participants, 8 of whom were included in the “Citizens” profile and 2 of them integrated in the “Visual Citizens” profile aged between 20 and 65 years.
    • Tasks/Processes: Test participants with the “Citizens” profile were asked to perform 21 tasks in the test and participants with the “Visual Citizens” profile were asked to perform 4 of these same tasks.
    • Main results (summary): From the performance of this study of usability tests, results in the identification of 4 critical themes, 6 relevant and 3 minor, in a total of 13 identified themes. As resolution proposals, the study also includes a total of 13 recommendations for improvements, distributed by the various classifications of themes found.
  3. (2023-04-05). Report: Usability tests report
    • Characterization of participants: In this study of usability tests involved a total of 12 participants, 10 of these participants were included in the “Citizens” profile and 2 of them integrated in the “Visual Citizens” profile aged between 19 and 56 years.
    • Tasks/Processes: Test participants with the “Citizens” profile were asked to perform 18 tasks in the test and participants with the “Visual Citizens” profile were asked to perform 6 of these same tasks.
    • Main results (summary): This usability testing study resulted in the identification of 3 critical problems or errors, 4 relevant and 4 minor, in a total of 11 identified problems or errors. As resolution proposals, the study also includes a total of 11 recommendations for improvements, distributed by the various classifications of problems or errors found.

III. Contact and request for relative information to the website

To contact, send suggestions, make complaints or request additional information regarding the contents and/or functionalities present in the website of AMA Agência para a Modernização Administrativa, please use the following means:


IV. Other evidence

The Mais Transparência website of the AMA Agência para a Modernização Administrativa is certified with the Gold seal of usability and accessibility. Affixing the Gold seal means that the Mais Transparência website:

  • passes the “Contents” checklist
  • passes the battery of accessibility tests of a validation tool Commonly used automatic tool in the market for 'AA' compliance
  • passes the “Transaction” checklist
  • passes the “10 functional aspects” checklist
  • was the subject of usability tests with real users, namely with users with disabilities

V. Reporting situations of discrimination

According to paragraph 1 of article 13 of Decree-Law no. 83/2018, of October 19, whenever a disabled person is subject to less favorable treatment than that which is, has been or will be given to another person in comparable situation, which embodies a practice discrimination against persons with disabilities, foreseen and punished under the Article 4 of Law No. 46/2006, of August 28, that person may file a complaint, in accordance with the disposed in Decree-Law No. 34/2007, of 15 February.

The National Institute for Rehabilitation (INR, I.P.), provides a form to denounce situations of discrimination, forwarding complaints presented to entities competent. Annually, the INR, I.P. draw up a report annual report on the application of the law prohibiting and punishing discrimination on the grounds of disability and the existence of aggravated health risk (Law No. 46/2006, of 28 August).

This Accessibility and Usability Statement has been created with the help of WAI-Tools PT v1.5 Generator, developed within the scope of the project WAI-Tools, whose consortium AMA is an integral part. The Declaration was designed in accordance with Decree-Law No. 83/2018, of 19 October.