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Project Portugal 2020

HIGHSPOT- Engineering & Tooling International Promotion

Project sheet


HIGHSPOT- Engineering & Tooling International Promotion .

Funding amount

373,46 thousand € .

Value executed

373,46 thousand € .

Operation code

POCI-02-0752-FEDER-024997 .

Conclusion date

31.10.2019 .


O Projeto HIGHSPOT consubstancia um pilar estratégico na afirmação internacional do Cluster Engineering & Tooling. O plano de ação preconiza uma abordagem internacional e inovadora, promovendo o reconhecimento da Marca Coletiva em mercados com elevado potencial

Geographic distribution of financing

373,46 thousand €

Funding amount

Where was the money spent

By region

2 regions financed .

  • Center 261,42 thousand € ,
  • North 112,04 thousand € ,
Source AD&C, GPP