Information portal on various topics of management of public resources of the Portuguese State

Project sheet


Sensitive Industry .

Funding amount

6,13 million € .

Value executed

0 € .

Operation code

POCI-01-0247-FEDER-072261 .

Conclusion date

30.06.2023 .


Inserido no paradigma Industrial Internet of Things, o projeto Sensitive Industry tem como objetivo desenvolver um sistema de gestão industrial, de nova geração, cuja arquitetura assente na orquestração e sincronização de tecnologias emergentes, nas suas diferentes camadas.

Funding beneficiaries

Geographic distribution of financing

6,13 million €

Funding amount

Where was the money spent

By county

3 counties financed .

  • Ovar 3,04 million € ,
  • Porto 2,56 million € ,
  • Braga 528,12 thousand € ,
Source AD&C, GPP