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Project Portugal 2020

Cat4GtL .: Cat4GtL - Continuous Catalytic reactor for the Gas-to-Liquid process using NETmix technology

Project sheet


Cat4GtL .: Cat4GtL - Continuous Catalytic reactor for the Gas-to-Liquid process using NETmix technology .

Funding amount

770,99 thousand € .

Value executed

770,99 thousand € .

Operation code

POCI-01-0247-FEDER-069953 .

Conclusion date

30.06.2023 .


The valorization of natural gas through Gas-to-Liquids technology plays an essential role in the transport industry. This project combines catalyst development and reactor design to efficiently produce synthetic fuels of superior quality using a continuous Fischer-Tropsch process.

Geographic distribution of financing

770,99 thousand €

Funding amount

Where was the money spent

By county

2 counties financed .

  • Porto 503,77 thousand € ,
  • Braga 267,23 thousand € ,
Source AD&C, GPP