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Project Portugal 2020

Product in Touch .: Development and Industrial Validation of a Multimodal Virtual Prototyping for In-Car Design

Project sheet


Product in Touch .: Development and Industrial Validation of a Multimodal Virtual Prototyping for In-Car Design .

Funding amount

718,1 thousand € .

Value executed

718,1 thousand € .

Operation code

POCI-01-0247-FEDER-033699 .

Conclusion date

13.12.2021 .


O projecto Product in Touch visa o desenvolvimento de uma solução virtual de haptics que permite ao utilizador interagir virtualmente com os materiais (neste caso concreto plásticos e compositos) recebendo feedback tactil sobre os materais em que toca.

Funding beneficiaries

Geographic distribution of financing

718,1 thousand €

Funding amount

Where was the money spent

By county

3 counties financed .

  • Marinha Grande 264,55 thousand € ,
  • Braga 264,4 thousand € ,
  • Guimarães 189,15 thousand € ,
Source AD&C, GPP