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Project Portugal 2020

SERENA .: Development of a SludgE fRee FEnton iNtegrated treatment methodology for olive mill wAstewaters: a water recoVEry strategy.

Project sheet


SERENA .: Development of a SludgE fRee FEnton iNtegrated treatment methodology for olive mill wAstewaters: a water recoVEry strategy. .

Funding amount

365,41 thousand € .

Value executed

365,41 thousand € .

Operation code

POCI-01-0247-FEDER-033193 .

Conclusion date

28.02.2022 .


Desenvolvimento de um sistema de tratamento de efluentes provenientes da indústria do azeite integrando várias tecnologias e buscando a eliminação das lamas ferrosas produzidas pelo Processo de Fenton através de Permuta Iónica.

Funding beneficiaries

Other beneficiaries

Geographic distribution of financing

365,41 thousand €

Funding amount

Where was the money spent

By county

2 counties financed .

  • São João da Madeira 182,85 thousand € ,
  • Coimbra 182,56 thousand € ,
Source AD&C, GPP