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Project Portugal 2020

Observ.Tech - Competitiveness, technological vigilance and intelligence

Project sheet


Observ.Tech - Competitiveness, technological vigilance and intelligence .

Funding amount

255,27 thousand € .

Value executed

255,27 thousand € .

Operation code

POCI-01-0246-FEDER-026730 .

Conclusion date

31.01.2020 .


O projeto prevê colmatar as necessidades de informação técnica, tecnológica e estratégica das empresas, através da transferência de conhecimento, incutindo processos de I&D+I, disponibilizando informação e ferramentas relevantes, permitindo um posicionamento atempado face às exigências do mercado.

Geographic distribution of financing

255,27 thousand €

Funding amount

Where was the money spent

By region

3 regions financed .

  • North 173,58 thousand € ,
  • Center 71,48 thousand € ,
  • Alentejo 10,21 thousand € ,
Source AD&C, GPP