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Project Portugal 2020

BEMAP-ET: Bovine embryonic metabolism assessment as a strategy to predict pregnancy success

Project sheet


BEMAP-ET: Bovine embryonic metabolism assessment as a strategy to predict pregnancy success .

Funding amount

129,59 thousand € .

Value executed

129,59 thousand € .

Operation code

ACORES-01-0145-FEDER-000026 .

Conclusion date

13.07.2021 .


Bovine embryonic metabolism assessment as a strategy to predict pregnancy success will be evaluated in BEMAP-ET. For such purpose, metabolic patterns of embryos will be assessed and embryos divided in four groups, according their metabolic activity. Then each group will be, transferred to cycled heifers, correlating embryonic mortality/aborts, and ability to produce offspring with their metabolomics results.

Geographic distribution of financing

129,59 thousand €

Funding amount

Where was the money spent

By county

1 county financed .

  • Angra do Heroísmo 129,59 thousand € ,
Source AD&C, GPP