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Project sheet


Digitalização do Transporte Ferroviário

Total project amount

49 million €

Amount paid

6,37 million €

Non-refundable funding

49 million €

Loan funding

0 €

Start date


Expected end date



Climate Transition


Sustainable mobility


Digitalization of rail transport

Operation code



O objetivo deste investimento é tornar a linha do Norte da Rede Ferroviária Nacional (RFN) compatível com a nova linha ferroviária de alta velocidade (LAV) através da substituição dos sistemas eletrónicos de sinalização. Espera-se que tal melhore a interoperabilidade da RFN com o espaço ferroviário europeu único. Este investimento consiste na substituição dos sistemas eletrónicos de sinalização das estações de Campolide-Cintura, Oriente, Alverca e Azambuja, cobrindo 20 km de linhas ferroviárias na Área Metropolitana de Lisboa. A execução do investimento estará concluída até 30 de junho de 2026.




Beneficiaries representing public entities implement their project by signing one or more contracts with suppliers for goods or services through public procurement procedures.

To ensure and provide the utmost transparency in all these contracts, a list of the contracts that were signed under this project is available here, along with the information available on the Base.Gov platform. Please note that, according to the legislation in force at the time the contract was signed, some exceptions do not require the publication of the contracts signed on this platform, and, therefore, no information is available in such cases.

Geographic distribution

49 million €

Total amount of the project

Percentage of the amount already paid for implementing projects

, 13 %,

Across the country

No defined geographic distribution

49 million €

Source AD&C, EMRP