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Project sheet


Requalificação do Espaço Exterior do Complexo Habitacional de Ringe

Total project amount

1,17 million €

Amount paid

0 €

Non-refundable funding

1,17 million €

Loan funding

0 €

Start date


Expected end date





Social Intervention


Integrated operations in deprived communities in the Metropolitan Areas of Lisbon and Porto

Operation code



O complexo habitacional de Ringe, sito na freguesia de Vila das Aves, concelho de Santo Tirso, insere-se num quarteirão urbano de dimensão considerável com aproximadamente 22.650,00m2, periférico ao centro urbano da Vila das Aves, cujo caráter residencial e social importa valorizar e requalificar dado o estado de degradação que apresenta, ao nível das áreas pavimentadas, equipamentos e infraestruturas (redes de saneamento, água e iluminação), e dos espaços ajardinados. A área de intervenção contempla, para além da requalificação integral do espaço exterior do quarteirão residencial de ringe, a beneficiação dos arruamentos contíguos e de acesso a Ringe, quer ao nível das infraestruturas quer ao nível da pavimentação da faixa de circulação viária, mas também dos passeios envolventes. Após visita ao local, foi possível constatar diversos constrangimentos que suportam a base do programada de intervenção e que a proposta visa suprimir, nomeadamente: a) Degradação avançada do espaço de jogo e recreio, localizado no interior do quarteirão, no tardoz dos campos de jogos relvados existentes; b) Deficitária rede de saneamento, drenagem de águas pluviais, abastecimento de água e iluminação; c) Mau estado de conservação do conjunto do mobiliário urbano (bancos, mesas, papeleiras, bebedouros); d) Espaço ajardinados desordenados e em abandono; e) Áreas pavimentadas em degradação, nomeadamente, os passeios pedonais, praças de enquadramento e estadia informal, arruamentos viários e percursos de acessos à estrutura edificada envolvente; A intervenção prevê a valorização integral do espaço público contíguo e envolvente ao complexo habitacional, assim como a redução dos encargos com a manutenção e gestão do mesmo.


Within the scope of the Recovery and Resilience Plan, two types of beneficiaries are responsible for carrying out the projects and using the funding provided. Due to their similar role, the reference to these two types of beneficiaries has been simplified and unified under the term "Beneficiary".
The two types are::
  • Direct Beneficiaries are those whose funding and projects to implement are part of the Recovery and Resilience Plan that has been negotiated and approved by the European Union;
  • Final Beneficiaries are those whose funding and projects to implement are approved following a selection process through Calls for Applications.

Call for applications

As part of the Call for Applications, submissions are requested to select the projects and final beneficiaries to whom funding will be awarded. Specific selection criteria are defined for each call, which must be reflected in the applications submitted and assessed.

The project is appraised on the basis of its compliance with the selection criteria laid down in the calls for applications, and a final score may be awarded, where applicable.

Final evaluation score

Important note

The components for calculating the assessment score can be found in the selection criteria document mentioned below.

Selection criteria

The funding selection criteria to which this project and its final beneficiary were subject and its score can be found in detail on the Recuperar Portugal platform.


Intermediate beneficiaries



Beneficiaries representing public entities implement their project by signing one or more contracts with suppliers for goods or services through public procurement procedures.

To ensure and provide the utmost transparency in all these contracts, a list of the contracts that were signed under this project is available here, along with the information available on the Base.Gov platform. Please note that, according to the legislation in force at the time the contract was signed, some exceptions do not require the publication of the contracts signed on this platform, and, therefore, no information is available in such cases.

Geographic distribution

1,17 million €

Total amount of the project

Where was the money spent

By county

1 county financed .

  • Santo Tirso 1,17 million € ,
Source AD&C, EMRP